It is such a relief to be sharing this with everyone!! It’s hard keeping a secret this big, especially in our families! We found out on January 29th but decided to wait until the second trimester to share, which just happened to land right on Easter! I’ve been so anxious to share with everyone, but of course most of our families are already celebrating. Our lives have already changed in so many ways, and i’m sure most of you want to know about all the details.
Long before we got married the hopes of children began. It’s something both of us have dreamed of and the family we would create together was at the forefront of our marriage. Together we decided I would get off the pill right before the wedding and start “winging it” (as Brandon loved to call it) shortly after Hawaii. We went into the holidays trying not to have expectations but I had secretly hoped we would be celebrating with everyone on Christmas Eve. Luckily, that didn’t happen and we enjoyed our last Holiday season as just newlyweds. After the New Year, we went over our goals and when the baby came up again, we decided to step things up a notch with our timing. At the end of January, I was two days late. With me being so regular, that either meant – i’m overly stressed or pregnant. Looking back, I was exhausted that weekend! My mom, sister, and Aunt Robin were at the new apartment trying to get things finished for us but I had no energy at all. I napped most of the weekend and that is very unlike me when there is work to be done! On Monday I waited until Brandon got home from work that day (thank the Lord he was working day shift) and we took three tests together. You couldn’t wipe the smiles off of our faces. He kept smiling and asking me “are you sure?”.
We told our family very casually. They all new we were trying so it didn’t come as much of a shock! Although my mom (aka Grandmom, ahhh) swears “she knew before we did”, because moms know everything 😉 And Brandon’s grandfather cried when we told him, which just reminded us how worth it all would be.
For Brandon and I, we are over the moon! It didn’t quite sink in until that first sonogram at five weeks, which is basically a blob in a circle at that point. Proud dad, Brandon, kept showing “our blob” off to everyone, that appointment changed things for him. Even though that sonogram was too early to see anything resembling the baby, it confirmed my pregnancy for him. For me, the exhaustion, morning sickness and lack of motivation was enough of a sign. But he isn’t feeling those things himself, so to get a picture of a blob was a big deal for him. That appointment is one I will never forget, for me it is the moment my husband realized we were really doing this!
I wanted to answer some of the general questions we’ve been getting so far!!
When are you due?
I am due on October 7th!
Are we going to find out what baby fitz is?
Yes! We can’t wait! We are being super traditional and waiting until the 20 week sonogram to find out together. That should be around the end of May, which will be here so soon!
What do you want the baby to be?
Brandon really wants a girl first. I’ve had a few boy dreams, so I am very undecided! This wont be our last so it doesn’t really matter 🙂
Are you going to have a gender reveal?
No, just posting a cute photo! We are way to busy to throw a party during the spring/summer season and think a big baby shower is more than enough for our family!
Are you having any cravings?
Corn pops around 6 weeks! It was late at night and I was mad the grocery store was closed… it was bad. Since then, bagels with cream cheese (which I rarely eat) and fresh oranges! Mmmm bagels..
Have you been sick?
Yes, the nauseas is terrible and I get sick about three times a week. I’m thirteen weeks now and that should be going away soon!
Have you picked out names?
We have a girl name picked out, but are very undecided with the boy names! We will share those at some point!
Any plans for the nursery?
I get this question a lot! Yes, I have plans but no, i’m not sharing 😉 I will be sharing the nursery with my office so we will see how that goes!
Has this effected your work?
Yes, the baby is due in October and I have had to turn down some brides, which hurts! But long ago I decided that our family would be more important than work, so that is something to get over! Luckily, I will have all winter to spend with the little one before next year!
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