The moment has arrived. Your fiance has gotten down on his knee and proclaimed to choose you forever. You know have an engagement ring on your hand that you’re still getting used to (strange, right!?) and the excitement in your hearts. The champagne has been toasted, the hugs have been had, and the announcements have been made. But now what?
Here are some wedding planning tips for the newly engaged couples:
Hire a wedding planner first: It’s easy to mistake your wedding venue as the first decision. It is the biggest thing, right? You’re doing yourself a disservice by choosing the place you’ll say I do, first. Your wedding planner will know more about what each and every venue has to offer – not just what is on their instagram. Whether they allow independent catering, how they handle emergencies, and which venue will give you the most benefits. Make sure your first vendor is your wedding planner – it’ll save you in the end.
Your marriage matters: Celebrations are the best part of marriage, right? Nope. The months & years that follow that huge party are the thing you will cherish most. Nourish that! Your marriage is so important and the way you treat it now, will determine its outcome. My suggestion is to make hard decisions with your spouse now. Create a wedding budget together. Go through premarital counseling. Ask each other questions about your wants for the wedding. Your relationship needs to be at the forefront!
Get a game plan: Knowing what to expect ahead of time will save you so much peace of mind. Choosing now the things that you want to invest in, will make further decisions easier.
Think to yourselves – does the wedding venue matter? How many people do we really want to attend? Do we want to invest in the catering? What kinds of tangible items do we want to have after the wedding? A heirloom album? Wedding video for our kids to see? Where will we make the biggest investments?
These types of decisions will continue to come up. I spoke with my sister, an incredible financial coach and here is her advice for you –
Start your marriage off in a healthy financial place. This is one of the biggest days of your lives. Don’t be afraid to ask your parents what they’re willing to contribute! The healthier your financial life begins together now, the deeper your marriage will be in the long run!
Please remember, as a wedding vendor it is my job to serve couples. Whether it’s photography related or not, please don’t be afraid to reach out. Wishing you & your marriage & your wedding day all the joys of the world!
View some weddings here!
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