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You may be thinking “Meg, do you shoot anything other than engagements?”, and I swear it just happened that way! Most of my brides for 2020 wanted Summer engagement photos and I don’t blame them! These Liriodendron Mansion engagement photos though, they’re spectacular! Liriodendron is such a beautiful mansion with gorgeous porches and lush gardens. Yup, […]
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We’ve been going to the Outer Banks every year since I can remember. Other than in 2017, when we invested our money elsewhere, we’ve been showing up to the same street or milepost if you’re familiar with how they do things down there. Good ole’ S Memorial Ave has seen many spills on bikes, bushels […]
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So in love with these romantic engagement photos! But, I’m gonna be honest here, these engagement photos challenged me! For a few reasons. First off I don’t usually shoot summer engagement photos, simply because of the heat. However, this year seemed to be the year for it! Most of my brides wanted (or ended up […]
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Heather & Tommy are getting married on this property next May and wanted farm engagement photos at his family’s house. You all know how much I love that! They included their pup and a cozy picnic with their favorite drinks, it was so cute! After we finished up their engagement photos, we walked around the […]
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That moment when you wonder, why aren’t we friends? This was ALL DAY LONG. Dana & Ryan should be everyone’s friend… not kidding. They are the sweetest couple ever and you can tell they’re not only great friends but great people. Let’s just say, the world needs more Dana and Ryan. I get to […]
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Do I really need to tell you how much I love shooting you guys here? If I could do this everyday i’d be a happy gal. I don’t do mini sessions often but it turned into everything I ever hoped it would. Oh and I do take those refrigerator photos, you know the one where […]