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SURPRISE! No really – it was a surprise! If you didn’t see our announcement on Easter, Baby #2 is on the way! Coming sooner than planned for sure and now that the shock has worn off we’re starting to get excited around here. If you spoke to me in January about baby #2 (specifically […]
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Alright, i’m a few days late on the post… I was hoping to have it up last week but with Abe’s crazy sleeping habits, it just didn’t happen. Whoops, Better late than never! It’s been HALF A YEAR since we brought Abe home and his personality is really starting to shine now! He’s started […]
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I really didn’t want to title this post Goals for 2019 because thats not really what they are. Although I do use Lara Casey’s Powersheets to keep me on track with things I want to accomplish, they aren’t really goals for me. They’re more like changes for the upcoming month and year. These aren’t numerical things to achieve, […]
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This is one of those times that being a small business owner is pretty great. This season of life is why I became a business owner. It’s the biggest perk of all, setting a schedule that directly benefits my family. I’ve always dreamed of becoming a mom, a very involved mom one, like my […]