Outer Banks Vacation Photos by Maryland Photographer Megan Bennett Photography

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We’ve been going to the Outer Banks every year since I can remember. Other than in 2017, when we invested our money elsewhere, we’ve been showing up to the same street or milepost if you’re familiar with how they do things down there. Good ole’ S Memorial Ave has seen many spills on bikes, bushels […]

Home Away From Home – Outer Banks

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Outer Banks family portraits

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My family has been visiting the Outer Banks for almost 40 years! We go every year at the end of July and it’s like home to all of us! Although it’s developed a lot since I was a kid, The sandy dunes, Austin’s seafood market, and the Nags Head Pier have always stayed the same! […]

The most important thing we’ve done all year! – Family Portraits

The Secret to Emotional Imagery

5 Things My Clients Do For Breathtaking Photographs

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