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When did you find out? We found out last Monday at our 20 week ultrasound that we were having a BOY! A son, a namesake, and basically our whole entire world! Brandon and I are overjoyed! Abraham will be the EIGHTH generation to live on my family estate and is already very loved! Did […]
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It is such a relief to be sharing this with everyone!! It’s hard keeping a secret this big, especially in our families! We found out on January 29th but decided to wait until the second trimester to share, which just happened to land right on Easter! I’ve been so anxious to share with everyone, but […]
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I’ve had a few shoots this year that make me realize how much I am progressing in my work, this is certainly one of them! Jodie reached out last winter for a family shoot and between both of our schedules, we couldn’t make it happen. That made me wonder, was I doing enough to make […]
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I can’t believe how much this fall has been filled with family photos! I’m feeling so blessed to be so busy with all of these photos that I know are going to end up on so many Christmas cards! There was one period in November that I had sessions for 6 days straight – how […]