Liz reached out to me a few months ago with a vision for her new baby’s newborn portraits and I was so anxious for the day to come! We’ve been waiting on Isla’s arrival for a few weeks now, she was late making her arrival but wasted no time once she was ready! We set a date for the shoot, Liz was scheduled to be induced, but Isla couldn’t wait to come meet her new family! Her big sister Avery is overjoyed with her new role and they all just fit together perfectly! I love shooting newborn portraits in-home because you really get that genuine, cozy feel! Isla is such a beautiful little girl and is blessed to have such a sweet family!
You guys, I could get used to my Sunday morning’s being full of sweet cuddles and newborn photos! Enjoy a few of my favorites from their cozy newborn portraits from their home in Elkridge, Maryland!
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