I know you all have been wanting to see more of our apartment and I figured we’d start here right in the heart of the home – the kitchen. This project is one of my favorites in the house and one that i’ve been dreaming about for over a year! I ordered these gorgeous prints from Fox Hollow Studios last July, so I know I was measuring & calculating the frames long before the the prints made it home to us! Some projects are like that – they take time – and thats okay. If there is one thing i’ve learned during this apartment renovation experience, it’s that good things take time. My poppop started renovating this house (has two apartment in it) in 2014 – long before Brandon and I were even dating (for some perspective). We had no idea I would be the one moving in. We didn’t have plans for much of the house and we certainly didn’t vision a collage in the kitchen at the time. Many years later, we’re hanging frames and putting together a crib – see, good things take time.
When I finally ordered all of the frames from Hobby Lobby (which you’ll want to get on sale), my mom decided to take over because I was completely overwhelmed with how to hang all of these. I knew what I wanted the collage to look like, so I went to pinterest and got lost in all of the ways you can go about tackling this to make sure it’ll be straight (I will add those resources to the end). I figured my mom knew best and she has the most patience for something like this, so her and Brandon went to work hanging these one evening. All in all it took three weeks for it to get finish because it does take some time. We did a little here and a little there but now that it’s all done, i’m relieved. She helped me write down some pointers on how she went about tackling this, so I could share with all of you! These are perfect instructions, just guidelines and things to consider when tackling your own wall collage.
From mom to you :
Put your center at eye level – go with someone that is average height, we used Brandon’s eye level for this and that is where the middle row of frames went.
Start in the middle – this is crucial. Get your center/middle and measure out from there.
Measure for distance between frames – you’ll want this to be very accurate! We did 4 1/2 inches between frames!
Account for the frame hangers – make sure to measure up or down depending on where the hook is for your frame – don’t forget about that!
Use Pencil!! – We had a lot of pencil markings to make sure our measurements were accurate, then we washed the whole wall with a magic eraser after!
Here is a few of our “in progress” shots I got on my iphone!
Here are the list of resources I found on pinterest :
Frames : Hobby Lobby
Prints : Fox Hollow Studios
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