When I booked this session, I had no intentions of it being Maternity Portraits . In fact, I thought it would just be another perfect opportunity for family photos down the Outer Banks. Amanda had gifted a session for an auction, raising money for an infant boy with cancer. I saw it on her instastories and went over to check out all the things being auctioned off. I understand you can bid whatever you feel is appropriate, but the bids for this session upset me. I’m pretty sure the starting bid was like $20… The point of the fundraiser was to help a young family with medical expenses, not to get things on the cheap! I put in a bid, it was somewhere around 50% of what Amanda’s sessions go for, I expected to get overbid, and forgot about it. A few weeks later, I get an email letting me know that I won! I was glad the money went to a good cause, but at the time I had just found out I was pregnant – the last thing on my mind was maternity portraits. It worked out perfectly, by May we decided to use this session for pictures of the bump and I ordered this dress from Etsy.
To be honest, I don’t love having my photo taken. I know, I know, I should love it. It doesn’t feel natural to most people. Like me, some people think they sometimes look silly in photos. But that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be taken! I am the largest i’ve ever been in my life (like most pregnant women), I had a funny tan line from all the tanktop gardening, and my hair is darker that usual because I had to change things up for pregnancy safety. These things would make most people think they’re the last ones that should have their photos taken – but they’re wrong. None of those things actually matter. These portraits wont go on a billboard in my town, they wont get printed in a magazine, and they wont be the only representation of me. What they do represent, is an incredible season of life we are in – regardless of how we think we look.
I didn’t have the maternity portraits done for me…. I had them done for Abe. One day, I hope he looks at these and is in awe of his mom and dad’s joy for him. I printed them and put a copy in his keepsake box and a copy in our own family photos box. I could go on and on about how important printing is, but I will spare you this time. The point is, Abe wont see the flaws, only the joy. When he is five he will be in awe that he was in my belly, when he is 20 he will think they are cute but embarrassing, and when he is 50 they will be everything to him.
A sunrise, wind blown hair on the beach, in the waves – his dad and I – awaiting his arrival.
It seems everyone is pregnant alongside me this fall (so exciting!). I have three maternity sessions this month alone! If you haven’t booked yours yet, reach out here and let me know!
Photos by the amazing : Amanda Hedgepeth Photography
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