This has to be the biggest blog post I have ever written! With good reason, the past three months with Abe have been amazing, exhausting, and just beautiful! Abe is without a doubt, the best thing Brandon and I have ever done. I know that’s sappy and everyone says that, but its true! He is such a light in our life and gives us so much more purpose.
Starting a family was something we both knew we wanted to do right away. We knew we wanted to have kids young, but more importantly – we wanted our family to get the most out of their time with him, especially our grandparents. And boy did we make a good decision! Our grandparents just light up when they see him, he has brought them so much joy!
Some special moment’s we’ve had :
When I asked Brandon what “highlights”of the past three months he wanted me to put into this post, he simply replied with “Grandmom”. Not kidding! My parents are the infamous “Uncle Ron and Aunt Tracy” (as almost everyone calls them) and no one in this world deserves to have grandchildren more than them! My parents are so good with kids, it’s kind of crazy. Everyone just flocks to my parents welcoming home and embraces all the conversation they can get with my mom. She’s truly the best Grandmom in the whole world. My mom has saved me on the ugly days, taken Abe to the doctor, stayed the night to do feedings during those first few weeks, and now keeps Abe on weekends I need to get things done – or simply need a break! I don’t know what we’d do without her!
An update on Abe :
He’s smiling and trying to talk a lot
He loves bath time
He’s grown out of his ceiling fan obsession
He’s currently outgrowing his 6 month clothes!
He looks just like his mama, blue eyes and all.
He has daddy’s body – long with big hands and feet
He can roll from tummy to back, but not back to tummy.
He loves watching parker and bright colors on tv
He still doesn’t sleep that great
He eats like a champ!
Since having Abe, some big goals have been set. We’ve decided to stay in the apartment a few years longer than we hoped, in order to pursue something larger than ourselves. We will share more about that as it unfolds. We’ve also started the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University. Because of some decisions made in the past (and sort of present) we have about 25k worth of debt we’re starting to tackle. Obviously, Abe has been a big push to start taking care of that! Abe has also pushed me to work harder for my business than I ever have before! Being a “mompreneur” has always been a huge goal of mine. We’re super blessed that I am able to stay home with him and do that, but things are going to have to change within my business in order for that to happen! I think i’ll write a blog post more about this 😉
-One Month-
-Two Month-
-Three Month-
Us in the hospital, i’ll share the pretty ones 😉
The great grandmothers came to visit!
My grandfather cried like a baby when he met Abe, that moment is on the right.
Brandon’s grandparents are completely in love!
A very happy Pap Pap!
My dad with his first grandchild!
The infamous Grandmom! She bathed Abe in the sink, a bucket when he had dibby rash and goes to his doctors visits when Brandon can’t!
Aunt Robin meeting Abe and Auntie Deb at dinner last week!
My cousins Landon, Cassidy, Daniel, & Nevaeh (left to right)
Aunt Kate & Uncle Craig!
Uncle Ricky!
Play dates with Mommom!
Uncle Danny and Cindy!
We went to Church for the first time and then baked cookies with Mommom, Aunt Donna, Nevaeh, & Grandmom!
Parker is loving his new brother!
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Enjoy all the special times as Abe grows this first year. Looking forward to seeing you all soon! Love, Uncle George and Aunt Phyllis.
[…] you missed it, here’s the last Baby Abe update – Life with Baby Abe & Abe’s Newborn […]