I’ve heard that having a newborn baby is no small feat. From the never ending night feedings, all the readjusting, and lack of normal sleep, new parents, especially, go through so much with bringing their newborn home. When I arrived at Erin & Grants, it was pretty obvious that they were getting used to all the changes! I was surprised to see that they were able to read my email about “prepping the space” for the shoot, and I helped Grant straighten up their living room, where we took most of their newborn portraits, while Erin got ready. You could tell she was just pleased to have her makeup on! Oh the simple things about motherhood! They told me about all about their challenging birth story, visitors from family, and the excitement of the four hour stretch of sleep the night before. What stuck with me the most was hearing them talk about future little ones – proof that even during the most challenging seasons you realize it is all worth it!
Most people don’t consider an in-home lifestyle newborn session because of how difficult things already can be at home after bringing home a new baby. The straightening, the diapers everywhere, dirty laundry, you name it! I completely understand how that turns new parents away from the idea. But I have to say that during these portraits, I could tell how much they were both taking it all in! Stepping back from “the routine” of a newborn, household chores, or even visitors, makes you focus on this new family you have created. It turns the entire newborn session from being an inconvenience, to one of the most joyous occasions! And another reason to get out of your pj’s and feel like a normal person again! Watching Erin & Grant get nose-to-nose on their couch with Wyatt in between them made me want to tear up! (lets blame it on the pregnancy hormones, hehe) They were overjoyed spending the morning together, just focusing on each other and the love between them!
When I got home from their newborn photo shoot, I started to upload the image. Is it when I created a folder for them that I realized this is the fourth time I have photographed them, now as a family of three. For me, those moments are so special. Realizing that I have clients that entrust me with their most joyous moments and soon turn into friends. It really makes what I do, so much sweeter! When I started editing, I found myself oooing and ahhing at their photos!! I could feel their happiness through these images and thought, this will soon be Brandon & I – and then came more tears! (seeing a pattern here?) We too, will soon be running on fumes, smiling on the couch together, and living on cookies and pizza. Going through these new seasons of life allows me to relate to my clients/friends so much more than I did before. I now realize what they would want out of their portraits and what they would want to feel when they see them. It really changes me as a photographer and as my baby grows inside of me, so does my relationships with my clients!
Check out Erin’s blog here for more about her baby journey!
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