SURPRISE! No really – it was a surprise! If you didn’t see our announcement on Easter, Baby #2 is on the way! Coming sooner than planned for sure and now that the shock has worn off we’re starting to get excited around here. If you spoke to me in January about baby #2 (specifically everyone at my sisters grad party) then you know we had “planned” on waiting until this Spring or the following to start trying. God had other plans. Friends ask me how this happened and well I know they mean not literally, but I’d like to think this blessing is the result of some difficult postpartum depression. For the most part I am through those dark days and looking forward to seeing what God has in store for my our growing family.
Baby #2 is a healthy little nugget. At 21 weeks now, I am finally a lot less nauseas and a lot happier overall about this new life event. We found out today the we’re expecting
I’m not going to lie, I was team pink this time around but man is Abe one lucky boy! He’s going to get the best friend he never knew he needed and quite possibly everything we all need.
Andrew Scott Fitzwater is due to join our family on October 17th!
I know what you’re thinking – A names? Presidential names? Well, maybe a bit of both! Brandon and I are really big on traditional, family names. Andrew is a family name on both my mom and dad’s side of the family. My Uncle Andrew (mothers brother) passed away last Spring when we were expecting Abe. We had already chosen Abe’s name but I had it in my heart to name our second son (God willing) Andrew. Andrew also comes from my dad’s family. Andrew Bryne is my fourth great grandfather that immigrated from Ireland and purchased (still doing research on this) our property that we own and cherish today…. butterflies y’all. Scott is Brandon’s middle name and we didn’t want a junior, but still wanted to pass down a part of him.
Being a boy mom wasn’t something I hadn’t planned on but this evening I’ve gotten over my disappointment… i’m dreaming of summers in the mud, baseball games, rainy days digging up worms, fishing in the park, and playing army men in a sandbox with my boys. Like my mom said, boys are the best!
I know you all are wondering how I am planning to balance 2 under one and my expanding business. I wish I had an answer. Coffee? Ha! Other than getting a full time nanny (not an option) we are planning to get part time help next year as things are going to get busy for me! After Abe I swore I wouldn’t have another baby born in the fall… turning down brides is the hardest thing i’ve had to do in this business. I’ll never forget that first wedding I had to say no to (dream bride, favorite venue) – oh the tears, not kidding! Well, here we are again. I am hoping to plan a gorgeous styled shoot to keep my mind occupied less on the gorgeous fall weddings I am missing.
Something I am wondering and could use some advice on – bedroom sharing?! We live in a large two bedroom apartment (family home) and the boys will share a room once Andrew is old enough for his own crib. Any thoughts on this? It’ll be great at 3 years old but right now i’m worried about one waking up the other. Should I be?
Since I won’t be heading to target any time soon to buy hair bows or plan a baby shower, we’re gonna decorated the boy’s bedroom. We plan on doing vintage trains! They can see the Thomas Viaduct from their window and I know one day these boys will be running out to the cliff and yelling “CHOO CHOO, CHOO CHOO”- yes friends, yes! I have some antique train prints and antique trains from my Uncle Andrew that’ll be displayed in there. Brandon’s more excited than I am!
Enjoy some of our most recent family portraits by Brianna Wilbur Photography, forever grateful for these with our two boys!
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