Alright, i’m a few days late on the post… I was hoping to have it up last week but with Abe’s crazy sleeping habits, it just didn’t happen. Whoops, Better late than never! It’s been HALF A YEAR since we brought Abe home and his personality is really starting to shine now! He’s started making these strange noises, learned how to squeal, laugh, and grunt! He likes to make sure everyone knows when he’s going potty – not sure where he got that from! He’s finally getting fun to be around with the tickling and laughing at everyone! He’s recently started to recognize who he knows and who he doesn’t! If he doesn’t recognize you, it startles him and sometimes it takes a while for him to warm up to people. One good thing about him remembering people is how excited he gets when daddy comes home from work! But let’s be honest, I’m not sure who’s more excited – me or Abe!
He had his six month check up last Friday and weighs 19lbs 13ozs and 28 1/2 inches long! He’s a big boy! He’s currently wearing 12 months clothes and 24 month socks! We took Abe on his first trip in February to Capacon State Park in West Virginia and we all had a great time staying in a cabin together. Abe has also been spending a lot of his weekends at either the construction zone we still have going on, or at his grandmom and granddads house! I’m not sure what we’d do without their support.
When I think back on the past six months, there’s been a lot of struggle. Mostly all of us adjusting and trying to figure out what Abe needs, which is constantly changing. Our biggest trial right now is his sleep. They say genius babies don’t sleep, so hopefully we have a future president here 😉 Enjoy some of the photos that i’ve been lacking to share lately!
We visited Mommom & Poppop Fitzwater!
Spent lots of time with Grandmom, he’s already super attached to her <3
He loves Parker and going for walks with him!
If you missed it, here’s the last Baby Abe update –Â Life with Baby Abe &Â Abe’s Newborn Portraits
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